Rev. Mercedes Pepe, O.M.C. Spiritual Advisor

This Website is designed to assist people from all walks of Life. Within my 30 years of trainings I have made sure to learn all aspects with respect to what ever your Spiritual beliefs may be. If you are looking for more Enlightenment and Awareness on your Life's journey with an open mind, this work is for you. If you feel drawn to any of the modalities I present it will be your choice based on your needs. No other modality unless both parties agree will be entered into.
Archetypal Consultant: Mercedes has been trained through the Caroline Myss Institute. Archetype is an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic image that is diverted from past collected experience of humanity and is present in the unconscious of the individual.
If your life were a movie, Archetypes would be your cast of characters you play. Each archetype has a light and a shadow side. Light is your Spiritual Self, Shadow is the darker side of self. Almost like the story of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but not as dramatic. However since the light and the shadow can not be completely separated, what we're left with is learning to shadow dance with them to create a balance. That is the foundation of the work we will be doing to create the balance.
You will be learning the four basic Archetypes we all have, in conjunction with your eight other Archetypes that we will uncover together.
EXAMPLE: The Victim is one of the four basic Archetypes we all have. It is a built in defense mechanism within the psyche to help defend against being victimized. By proper recognition I help teach you the balance between being victimized(the shadow side) and being victorious (the light side.)
It will be done with an Archetypal wheel with each of the Zodiac signs. I will be helping you with the placement and the interpretation of each Archetype in each house. There are twelve different houses we will be working with; Such as: Ego persona. Your values. Expression of self. Home. Creativity. Health and Occupation. Relationship. Resources from others. Spirituality. Your greatest potential. How you interact in the World. Tapping into the unconscious.
Your expanded Archetypal wheel consists of thirty six archetypes, three in each of the twelve houses starting with the Chronos, where you currently are. Kairos, the bridge that will take you to a higher level of Archetypal knowledge. Cosmic, the highest level of Archetypal Consciousness where you will become very aware of your own psyche and how it works.
Mercedes Coaching is unique, as she not only Coaches you, she also gets you in touch with some of your stops on the way to your goals.
Her coaching used with the right list of questions helps you stimulate the repressed thoughts held within the subconscious mind, thereby freeing them up to come to the surface of full realization and release.
We sometimes are completely unaware what is causing us pain from the past. We simply continue to carry on that pain in our memory cells. A cell memory is something that has taken place within the Ego thought system of survival, like a snapshot in the mind being unaware that the snapshot has ever been taken and then living out a script based on the unawareness. Mercedes helps her clients identify for themselves what they perceive and why they perceive it along with the consequences they are generating. The deeper she goes into their similar earlier events the more she will identify the first initial shock that took place that became the emotional thought of pain that the client now lives into. Processing the subconscious mind is not only useful because of the commands that take you straight to the subconscious thoughts and allows you to replay them as an observer, but also allows you to download your responses to these thoughts and reload them to new ones. What these specific questions do is to help take the subconscious thoughts and helps them to make them conscious, choosing a different way of seeing yourself and then seeing the world in a different way, bringing you back to Universal knowledge of wholeness and being present to the moment. Some of us just need to be heard, with proper instructional methods and to have a committed listener who is holding a place of Peace for us. Since 2000 she has mastered the skill of tapping into the subconscious mind to help her clients resolve: Traumatic experiences. Fears and frustrations. Relationship issues. Inner conflicts. Confidence issues. Spiritual quandaries. Negative money conversations. Negative inner dialogue.
Besides being a minister, counselor and facilitator of courses and groups. Mercedes is the co-founder of Power Technology and Power Technology Coaching Academy Mercedes also has designed and facilitated women’s weekend retreats and has trained couples in relationships since 2005. She is also a Master Reiki Healer and the author of the book: Correction of the Ego/Spirit Mind; available on AMAZON.COM Mercedes is a member of Self Realization and has been trained in various degrees of meditation and has been trained as a Kriya Yogi. Mercedes also has attended the Gnosis Institute and is a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapy is a deeply guided meditation that first looks at Thought Clusters. A thought cluster is a thought within the subconscious mind that is causing a discomfort which leads to a feeling of discomfort. Every thought becomes a feeling. When we are unaware of these thought clusters we react in ways in which we find undesirable, or as if it has control over us instead of us having control over it. When we are guided through hypnosis into the Subconscious Mind we can shut down the mind chatter and look at the unconscious thought cluster that is causing the chaos. We then can gain knowledge of the thought cluster and breakthrough self-created barriers that will then free up our inner channels of communication, allowing us to go into inner resources of more creative, positive empowering perceptions of our thoughts and feelings.
Mercedes is a graduate of Pathways of Light Spiritual College trained in the study of “A Course in Miracles.” Mercedes can help you understand the psychological approach the Course in Miracles takes to understand the Ego Spirit mind and how it works through forgiveness. It is a form of Spiritual Psychology. Many people find the Course difficult to read and fully understand. What Mercedes has been trained to do is help you in this area with a curriculum that she has been certified to teach. Finally there's a way to fully understand the Course's richness in helping to heal the Human condition. The purpose of the Course is discovery to the path of Light within you. It is a step by step curriculum to your inner self, your conflicts and the world around you.
Our mirror image is reversed when we look into it. It never gives an exact image of ourselves, in fact it goes by memories of what we see, the us we have always seen in the mirror. When a photo of us is taken, the camera does not have a memory of us. That's why sometimes we are shocked at the picture of ourselves and say I don't really look like that. Part of it is the frozen look or the smile. In a mirror we move our heads and eyes around to find that perfect picture of ourselves. A camera may take many photos to capture what we want to actually see based on our memory. When the brain identifies with the photo, we say yes that looks more like me. We may even Photoshop and clean up the picture to give us our memory image we see of ourselves. That’s what transpires inside us with Archetypes. We keep bringing out the familiar ones that our brain identifies with, leaving behind so much more within us archetypally in an Archetypal Universe. An Archetypal Universe is a pattern that has always been and always will be the cycle of life.
Images open up the reflections of our soul. That is what a Introspective Archetypal Tarot reading can do for you. It can help you find your true self behind the image you see in the mirror and in your psyche of yourself, also your personality and characteristics. As your Spiritual Advisor I will take you into a deep introspective journey utilizing Tarot cards helping you discover what Archetypes are active in your life, both light and shadow. Archetypal Tarot work is an opportunity to truly know thyself. Tarot cards are based on Archetypes and have been around since the 1400s, perhaps even earlier.
By utilizing this work, you will get greater clarity on your life’s purpose and direction. It will also enhance your relationship with yourself and others. It will have you have more power over the choices that are available to you now and into the future.
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